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Saturday, 8 December 2012

The Watt Meer

The start of the Autumn break saw us take a trip to across the Watt Meer to and island called Neuwerk. The Watt Meer is a tidal area of the Elbe. I like to joke about the "What Mer?" Hey Ron there is no sea. Is that how it got its name??? Insert silly laughing here....hehe. Ok, OK, its not that funny.

Just over one year ago we took a horse and carriage ride to Neuwerk and had such a good time that we repeated the process. You can walk, ride or take the horse drawn carriage. There is about a 3 hour window of opportunity before the tide comes back. This is a photo from 2011, where the weather was even better than this time around.

Watt Meer 2011

A group of horse riders passed us - our oldest girl dreams of doing this soon...very soon she exclaimed.

A man and his dog enjoying the walk.

Our pouch did it in style in the carriage, but at several stages was ready to make the 2 meter leap out of the carriage to chase a bird or say hello to another doggie. We kept a tight hold of her.

As I looked back at the photos from the previous year I thought to show you how a 2 year old changes to a 3 year old! Ron is wearing his cap, so any changes in the "salt and pepper" hair style will remain a mystery for now.

2011 - 2 years old
2012 - 3 years old
 We had lunch at a local establishment on Neuwerk and then watched the tide come in. It comes in very fast. It's quite amazing.

Here we are collecting shells, but not for too long.

Another shell to add to our collection.

You will notice that there is less and less beach to search for shells.

Now there is no beach and our dog went for a swim. She smelt like a peach after that.

And just to prove how fast the tide comes in, you can watch a little video:

We also met many locals with 4 legs.

Then the boat arrived to take us back to the mainland.

But just before we boarded someone decided to do some "Jackass" bike riding with her little sisters bike. Crazy things happened and we all laughed like a family possessed.

All in all a fun day out and maybe we will do it again next year.

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