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Monday, 23 July 2012

Cherry Picking

I went picking cherries yesterday. I looked up and decided that this is the view of paradise. I wanted to just lie down on the grass and wait for them to drop into my mouth...yumm!

Here is our chief picker grabbing as many as she could reach to fill her basket. We were kindly informed to test the cherries on the trees before picking them - quality control. We took this to heart until our hands and mouths were stained deep purple. The basket handle broke not much later, more a cause of the basket being very old than too many cherries?!?

The trees the branches were heavy with juicy cherries. Finally I experienced the difference between normal cherries and the sour cherries by tasting them side by side. The sour are so full of juice they are amazing, but sour. Of course better for cooking. I am now going to start my sour cherry cooking frenzy.

There are not only cherries but apple and pear trees as far at the eye can see. There is a pink spec in the distance. Some little friend of mine wanted to get a few early green apples. She was treated to a private tour of some apple trees.

Following our cherry, plum and apple picking it was time to fill our stomachs with more yummy things.

A huge thanks to Heiko and Pansy for the generous invitation and a wonderful afternoon.

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