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Sunday, 20 May 2012

400th Anniversary

There are 2 major events in the Estebrugge calendar. The Schutzenfest and the Estebrugger Markt. The recent long weekend was a 4 day celebration of the local shooting guild's 400th anniversary. Tonight it culminates in a Ball in a very large tent down the road at the guilds practice range. Its like a local version of Octoberfest.

The days have been syncopated with bands marching here and there around the village. Guilds from other villages have joined the throng, so the place has been a buzz with people in top hat and tails or guild uniforms covered with medals and a hat with a feather in them.

Check out the guy in the middle just covered in medals. You don't want to be a deer around him!

Over at the tent one of the bands were entertaining the crowds.
M is now a professional dodgem car driver.

Apart from A LOT of beer, there were plenty of sweets to be had...Oh I get a sore tooth just looking at so much sugar.

A little someone enjoyed the little kids ride in blue fire truck.

On Saturday the children's parade was led by the local band. Here they are passing over "our" bridge. We see it open and close now many times a day as the boats come and go. You may have noticed that the band leader dyed a section of her hair to match the thats dedication.

All in all a good weekend. We had the usual 4 seasons in a day, but the weather held out for the most important parts!

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