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Monday, 9 September 2013

Things I'll miss....

We are now officially in the Big Smoke,  Frankfurt am Main. We are enjoying city life again. During the move in week (without kids) we went to 3 different restaurants - Vietnamese, Indian and Italian. It was such a treat.

In the last 7 days we had 3 sets of visitors, so were able to discover the city with them. We are 7 tram stops from the main shopping street. There is a great food market there with all sorts of international goodies. I am so excited to go shopping for some special treats.

Although we are excited to discover our new home town there are thing we will miss about leaving our lil' village - Estebrügge.

  • Going to buy milk at the corner shop (10 metres from our front door) and coming back 15 mins later after chatting with several people. It was almost impossible to pop in and out :-)
  • The heard of sheep 5 mins walk from the door step.....although I suspect Goldie misses them more than we do. She would kiss them through the fence.
  • Giving the "wave or local village salute" to every other car that drives down the street, as you know who they are. 
  • Knowing your kids can walk or ride to a friends house or after school activity in realtive safety. Everyone is watching.
  • Bridge to Bridge - its just over a 2km walk and it needs its own post one of these days.
  • The beautiful black Galloway cows - that we then purchased later for the BBQ. Always good to know where your meat comes from!
  • The Este moods and the distinct seaonal changes.

  • The local wildlife (and the local kids!). We saw baby ducklings and deer on a regular basis.

The following is one of my favourite photos. I recall it had been raining constantly the whole day. As soon as there was a bit of sun we left the house to take the dog for a walk. It was a stunning afternoon as the sun pushed its way through the receeding clouds.

Most of all we will miss the friends we made. But never fear, the Estebrugger Market is next weekend! We are travelling north to see friends and have a fun weekend. Our guest room was well tested in the last week, so we hope to see some of them down south for some Apfel Wine and Grune Soße - the local specialities.